Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A live speech Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A live speech - Assignment Example The speaker had a concise outline to his speech which he gave beforehand so that the audience knew the areas that he was going to be dealing with; these included an introduction to social networking and the impact that it has on college life, the various pros and cons of social networking websites ranging from productivity among students, popularity and medium of communication to assisting in extracurricular activities. Finally, a counter argument was also presented to give the speech a moot point and help the audience decide for themselves rather than sway them into thinking on one track of the topic. Most of the audience included students from various high schools and colleges around the city because it was an event conducted by a few colleges around the city for both high school as well as college level students. The speaker had a very strong thesis statement because of the fact that it centred around the entire speech very well. The statement that he made was ‘Social media websites have been thus affecting school and college students’ grades because students end up spending more time on websites rather than studying.’ He was a very good speaker because of the reason that he was continuously engaging in conversation with the audience by making excellent eye contact with everyone as well as asking questions that helped people relate with what he was talking about. A few members of the audience were asked how they spent their day, and they replied by stating that they spend their hours after school or college in front of the computer, on websites like Twitter and Face book. These websites take up all their time because the new generation is obsessed with documenting their every thought on the internet. Moreover, they like checking into places on their Face book, updating their status and spend hours on a single photograph that someone would have tagged them on, commenting. All these activities eat up into their study time and they fail to g et good grades or concentrate in the classroom due to being so hooked on to these websites all the time. The speaker also asked people to raise their hands to questions relating to the use of various websites, number of hours spent on them, and whether it has helped them gain popularity among their peers or not. An overview of the speech was given in the form of a listed outline at the very beginning as mentioned earlier, and thus people were prepared for the speaker. Moreover, this also added to their interest because the crowd, as a young generation group, was hard to please and the speaker was able to grab their attention easily by talking about Face book and Twitter and other such websites that find common interest among the youth today. People were thus able to easily anticipate the kind of questions that would be asked; the speaker used a presentation in the form of a power point to display a few posters that depicted statistics of the number of people in college using social networking websites and how the same either helped or hindered their daily lives and college grades. The audience found this very interesting and from the speaker’s point of view as well it was an excellent method of catching people’s attention easily rather than making them listen to his thoughts for the entire course of the speech. He talked about how the social network is a wonderful place to be for every individual in the world today because it

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Critically examine the added value the HR dept has made to improved Essay

Critically examine the added value the HR dept has made to improved company performance - Essay Example Having segregated itself from the Sears group in, 1998, the Selfridges group started out with an investment of 100 million pounds. This was diverted towards the opening of its second store in Trafford Park. This mall houses 280 stores and enjoys a wide clientele from various parts of Europe and the rest of the world. (Hutchison et al, 2003) The human resource role and organisational turnaround have been discussed in this paper from the point of view of the premise of competitive advantage as follows: The world of commerce in this era is one where there is an amalgamation of a global market place as well as the theories of competitive advantage with the strong backing of innovation. (Green, 2002) Any marketer or producer in this modern market place needs to adhere to these practices and theories in order to gain any measure of success, whether small or big. In this regard, the role of the HR element in Selfridges plays on its overall brand equity and effective goal achievement program. (Park, 1994) Before delving any deeper into the paper, let us fist consider the elements of the modern world of commerce. The world has shrunk to accommodate the limitations of the geographical demarcations and expanded to transgress the same by reaching out to people from all corners of the world. (Tirole, 1990) This has triggered a phenomenon called the global village concept, which is basically depend on the information technology, communication and a unified mode of business and commerce. Thriving in this global scheme of things indicates an affiliation with keeping abreast of what is going on in every corner of the world and adapting oneself to make profits accordingly. (Hutchison et al, 2003) This is owing to the fact that a manufacturer can now see his name in the most unexpected of places and in order to get there, he needs to be able to keep with the latest and improvise on the same to create